Tables and other HTML Goodies

Some more HTML to Style

HTML Quotes

Use the <q> for short quotations.

who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years.

The Blockquote for longer quotes

My Therapist told me the way to acheive true inner peace is to finish what in start. So far I have finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.

Using the <abbr>, abbreviation tag

MAUHS has the best students ever!

The <address> tag

Written by: Big D
Visit him at:
PO Box 1313

Bi-Directional Override can reverse your text

Why is the world AMBULANCE always written backwards on an ablunace?

HTML Bold, Strong, Italic and emphisized

You can use <b> and <strong> tags to make text more visible - they may look the same, bold and Strong text.
Normal textitalic text
Normal textemphasized text
Browser will display bold and stronger SSS